White Collar Crime Law

White Collar Crime Law in Los Angeles

Due to the broad sweeping nature of extortion charges, a charge can be levied in a number of scenarios. Extortion charges can be brought as long as the threat of violence or use of fear to obtain money, property, favors, or to force an action has occurred. For this reason, it’s vital that you seek help from experienced fraud defense attorneys with a thorough understanding of extortion laws and the legal system. Our skilled representatives thoroughly investigate the details of your case and determine whether or not it legally qualifies as extortion. Contact our team today to discuss the intricacies of your case and what options you have moving forward.

Embezzlement Attorneys That Understand What’s At Stake

A felony in all 50 states, embezzlement can be charged as a federal crime in certain circumstances. This makes it all the more important that you consult seasoned attorneys as you traverse legal terrain. Protecting your rights and ensuring you receive a fair trial is of paramount importance to our embezzlement attorneys. Put your case in the hands of a legal team devoted to building your defense, keeping you informed, and fighting to reduce your punishment. Contact our skilled legal counsel today to get the personalized attention you deserve.

Contact our legal team to begin building a rigid defense immediately. We proudly serve clients in LOS ANGELES, CA, and the surrounding areas.

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(818) 536-9606

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Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 6:00pm
Weekends: By appointment

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Au cours des trois premiers mois de 2021 en Chine, 296 mille couples ont dissous le mariage – il s’agit d’un million de moins que l’an dernier. Le gouvernement a adopté la loi contre le contexte du niveau croissant de divorces et, par conséquent, réduisant le taux de natalité. Le premier janvier, l’amendement dans le Code civil est entré en vigueur, ce qui ne permet pas le mariage instantanément de Francepharmacie24 Les autorités ont noté que la loi ne s’applique pas aux cas associés à la famille.
