Criminal Theft Law

Criminal Theft Law in Los Angeles

Theft is a broad category of legal offenses that can range from shoplifting or petty theft to grand larceny or armed robbery. In many states, theft is a felony, and even if a crime is considered a misdemeanor, defending yourself against charges means seeking legal representation at the critical juncture—the beginning. Don’t hesitate to begin mounting your defense—call Law Office Of Mark Daniel Melnick in Los Angeles, CA right away.

A Defense That Works For You

Law Office Of Mark Daniel Melnick is a law firm that specializes in defending clients in Los Angeles, CA against charges of theft. Our lawyers understand that theft is a broad and sometimes unwieldy area of law, but we have knowledge of various facets of criminal theft law, and we will strive to treat your defense with the utmost personalized attention. We can help you avoid conviction, reduce sentencing, or reach a reasonable plea bargain. Call us today for a consultation.

Call Law Office Of Mark Daniel Melnick in Los Angeles, CA today to schedule a consultation.

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(818) 536-9606

Business Hours
Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 6:00pm
Weekends: By appointment

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